Psychic Ills – Mirror Eye

If you’re the sort of person who enjoys spaced out psychic vibes fit for a summer’s evening, you could do a lot worse than check this disc out.

Psychic Ills – Mirror Eye


If you’re the sort of person who enjoys spaced out psychic vibes fit for a summer’s evening, you could do a lot worse than check this disc out. Trust me, it’s not one with a bright and breezy personality, seeing as everything floats around at about 1mph, and melodies only become discernable through the heavily synthesized mist after a good couple of minutes.


At times the music sounds like a completely stoned Autobahn, or Cluster II, especially on tracks like Mantis and the brilliant, ever so slightly paranoid I Take You as My Wife Again. There’s a Spaceman groove too, albeit one that is very muted. Listen out for the Pearce-like incantations in Fingernail Tea.


Not everyone’s taste, but a great piece of work that exists in no time or place.


Words: Richard Foster