Bleaklow – Sunless Country

Really enjoyable and could be meditational if they progress. Actually they could be lots of things if the band pushes harder.

Really enjoyable and could be meditational if they progress. Actually they could be lots of things if the band pushes harder.



A great and sprawling one track EP, informed by a warm guitar impasto in some parts and cod-metal phrasing in others. Things start acceptably enough, until six minutes in, when we get treated to a metal intro of that is camper than a row of pink tents…. luckily things start to steadily, patiently build up and dissolve into metallic lava that, in turn, starts to bliss out and tiptoe into post rock territory. As the camp cod metal gestures suggest, in parts it’s a lot of fun and not afraid to shape shift within seconds.

There’s an unyielding, stubborn restlessness and about the EP that is very appealing and could only be crafted in Yorkshire. It can be pretty trenchant, too; the guitars take lead at all times, leaving the rhythm to work something out amongst themselves, or so it seems. That can be a shame, as the further things go on, the more you wonder how much more the guitar textures can carry matters, but they do so pretty willingly and then again it’s post metal and hang the rules, eh?

Really enjoyable and could be meditational if they progress. Actually they could be lots of things if the band pushes harder.