Hectorina – Hey Hey Safety Man

You can imagine this lurid, restless music being a hit with film buffs and other solitary types… though it has a lot of space and a sense of occasion. Just don’t play it at business meetings.

You can imagine this lurid, restless music being a hit with film buffs and other solitary types… though it has a lot of space and a sense of occasion. Just don’t play it at business meetings.




Three tracks, but often that can be enough. I do like these short EPs that are getting thrown up on Soundcloud or Bandcamp or wherever. And this particular one’s a riot: high energy space rock that looks to more obtuse sources than most. The EP starts in high style: Beware of the Red Ape is psyched out and obsessed with constructing a heavy heavy monster sound from the sonic gables and curlicues that proficiency on the guitar can bring to Rock. Like a builder doing up his house in mock Tudor style, the EP refuses to leave any part untouched. With the band obviously in thrall to the likes of Rungdren, Zappa and Mars Volta, the tracks walk a fine line between a conspiracy theorist’s paranoia and out and out silliness. Dirty Carl’s Majestic Barba is an example of this; it’s a sticky mix of Can of Bees Soft Boys and the Cramps (maybe it’s the singer’s voice). K-Town Makes a Comeback is a cod-horror movie soundtrack par excellence that once again can’t resist adding an extra verse or two, just for the hell of it. that . You can imagine this lurid, restless music being a hit with film buffs and other solitary types… though it has a lot of space and a sense of occasion. Just don’t play it at business meetings.