Adam Payne – Organ

A great power-pop LP, choc-full of riffs and sarcastic vocals, the new release from Adam Payne is a must if you want something sharp and uplifting.

Adam Payne – Organ


A great power-pop LP, choc-full of riffs and sarcastic vocals, the new release from Adam Payne is a must if you want something sharp and uplifting. The opener The One After Eyes has a fabbo Mick Ronson-esque swagger about it, but nowhere does it feel that its all hips and no brains. The vocals are brilliantly handled (especially when set against the increasingly bravura guitar lines) and the tempo is sparky and fun. Think Only Ones at their peak. Never See You Anymore is a great up-tempo lament (in the way that Pack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag is an up-tempo lament), blessed at the beginning with a Chilton-style melody that has you singing along near enough instantly.


The cod bar-room am-drams of In Hell are a refreshing counterpoint to the jumpy stuff, especially when things morph into a High School Spector sing-along, (albeit with a considerable cynical side to the proceedings). By contrast, Wind Wind Wind / Take a Look balances an Arnold Lane-style organ break against some tremendously energetic riffing to great effect. Incidental Arrangement fools around in fine style with some psychedelic trappings, whilst Fruzstration comes over all John Cale on our collective ass with its minimalist piano stomp knocking down everything in its path.


Well worth hunting down.


Words: Richard Foster