King Pest – demo

What you will get is melodies that are damned annoying in that they stick around in your consciousness for days on end.

King Pest – demo


Three tracks from Manchester’s King Pest on a demo, sent to Incendiary Towers. Sent, I presume with the purpose of review…


Manchester and guitars can be put together in the most obvious of ways, and I wouldn’t expect you to expect anything new. What you will get is melodies that are damned annoying in that they stick around in your consciousness for days on end. It’s the good old fashioned rock and roll that many bands fear to tackle. And good luck to them for doing so.


Now and again, there’s a nice marriage of melody and Byrds-ey jangle, often countered with “turn the amp up to 11”-style growling. King Pest’s most effective weapon, however, is the vocal delivery of Steven Twentyman, who’s impassioned performances keep things from dropping into guitar band by numbers, (as at times the arrangements get a wee bit lumpy).


Words: Richard Foster