Son Ambulence – Someone Else’s Déjà Vu

"Legend of Lizeth’s crashing a cappella refrain coming across like mid period Pink Floyd (if Syd’d kept it together and led the band) or the Pretty Things’ Well of Destiny stylings, magnified by 100. "


"Legend of Lizeth’s crashing a cappella refrain coming across like mid period Pink Floyd (if Syd’d kept it together and led the band) or the Pretty Things’ Well of Destiny stylings, magnified by 100. "


Son Ambulence – Someone Else’s Déjà Vu


A weird one this, Someone Else’s Déjà Vu is certainly an LP to genuflect to. And if you like lost ‘60s or ‘70s exotica or mushy psychedelia, then you’re in for a treat. At times it’s too whimsical an album, almost unnervingly so; the opener Girl in New York City caught me off guard with the lilting, twee as fuck samba work-out. Still there are moments of grandeur aplenty; take the brilliant title track, or Legend of Lizeth’s crashing a cappella refrain coming across like mid period Pink Floyd (if Syd’d kept it together and led the band) or the Pretty Things’ Well of Destiny stylings, magnified by 100.


I’d also recommend the beautiful, pastoral Yesterday Morning and the menacing guitar growl of The Renegade. This LP comes from a very strange place indeed, the music is poppy as hell, but the minds directing this sound are obviously looking at a romantic, widescreen and very Technicolor version of pop’s psychedelic past and for that we should thank them.


Words: Richard Foster