Well meaning, beautifully played, intricately woven and boring as hell.
Well meaning, beautifully played, intricately woven and boring as hell. Sleeping States are an honest bunch – and they want your love and affection – but they’ve tried so bloody hard to make things beautiful and atmospheric that they’ve forgotten one very important factor. They just don’t sound like they’re having fun. The singer sounds like he wants to cry at any moment – I told you this was well meaning – and the arrangements are clever, varied and impressive but it very quickly becomes mind-numbingly dull. Why? There’s a lot of “Look at me and how wonderful I am” type attitude going on and it grates like fingernails on a blackboard. This is one of those rare occasions where you want to tell a band to stop trying so hard and just remember what being in a band is all about. Honestly, what’s the point of doing this if you’re not having any fun?
Words: Damian Leslie