A great, pulsating, vibrant racket.
A great, pulsating, vibrant racket.
German duo Schnaak assault the listener with a short sharp EP, full of angular and explosions of noise at unexpected moments. It’s a lot of fun if you’re in the mood. Ontobear is a metallic cut up of some intensity, throwing the listener off guard a number of times. Wira is a tad more woozy, though still informed by that tick-tick beat that the band possess and yes, it does succumb to Schaak’s trademark mayhem fairly early on. Still, it returns to its slothful roots. Shan the Rough African is a determined attack on the senses, and one which boasts a cod-jazzy side and soft almost female-sounding (though I have it on good authority thath tehy’re not), vocals. The nine minute Mit Sanftheit Beseelt is a rigorous juxtaposition of riffs helped along the way by some weird groaning and electronic noises that keep you in a state of slightly irritated suspense for a long, long time.
Last up we have the marvellous gambol that is Roly Poly Blissdeer, a track that is frankly all over the place, despite its attempts to slow down and be taken seriously.
A great, pulsating, vibrant racket.