The Low Anthem – Smart Flesh

This may very well be their masterpiece

This may very well be their masterpiece

Americana. Bluegrass. Country. Western movies. Dylan. Morricone. Cohen. Get the references out of the way and out of your mind quickly. Yes, Smart Flesh will remind you of all of those things, it’s that kind of album. Timeless or simply out of time? You decide. Whatever you make of it, Smart Flesh wants to be taken seriously. It has clarinets on it for fucks sake.

Smart Flesh is heady material. Cool, calculated and impressive at every turn. You can throw whatever cliché’s you like in its direction but that won’t stop it from being one of the most hauntingly beautiful albums you’ll hear all year. The Low Anthem are really on fine form here. This may very well be their masterpiece. It’s as close to perfection as they’re ever likely to get and I can’t recommend this heartily enough.

This album destroyed me. I hope it does the same for you.