900piesek/rbnx – Prague – Bratislava

…the sense of stasis can get you out there if you’re prepared to give yourself over to the sense of occasion. Or you could be flippant and say it sounds like a huge washing machine stuck on spin cycle for 15 minutes.

…the sense of stasis can get you out there if you’re prepared to give yourself over to the sense of occasion. Or you could be flippant and say it sounds like a huge washing machine stuck on spin cycle for 15 minutes.



Now if you like no nonsense, foot to the floor electronic noise then you will find this pretty remarkable stuff. It’s nigh on impossible to describe this without recourse to complete hyperbole or wild imagining of the most florid kind. I mean for a good portion of your listen you are confronted with a wail of heady white noise: the first track 900piesek’s Prague Bratislava – Prague is, after a moody beginning (sounding like distant thunder over the mountains) a resolute and unholy slobbering mess of distortion; the sounds seemingly melting and tumbling down in a sort of sonic free-fall. It’s a very elemental release, elemental in that Matúš Mikula, (to give him the name his mother knows him by), seems intent on creating some kind of white heat, some feeling of magma flow.

I know it’s a bit naughty but I will include a portion of the press release as it adds a fair bit of meaning to you listen: “Prague documents a final incarnation of 900piesek as just after this performance all of his gear was stolen. the sounds that night will never be heard again. He would like to extend a special thanks to all of the people who have helped him start over!”

So, take note; in some way this is a gloriously messy send off to his previous work and I suppose it does make everything that bit more special. Creation and destruction and all that.

Rbnx’s piece Bratislava is a much more considered piece (it’s a whole sight longer too, so I suppose creative energies must be conserved) sounding like an underpowered spaceship trying to achieve lift off for a fair portion of its life. Whirring and stirring around as if in a vacuum, the music sounds or slightly drugged; the sense of stasis can get you out there if you’re prepared to give yourself over to the sense of occasion. Or you could be flippant and say it sounds like a huge washing machine stuck on spin cycle for 15 minutes. About three minutes from the end you get a lot of elemental screaming which can knock you off your perch somewhat, but it’s a damned effective ending. It’s a live recording so you get the odd muffled “yeahs” in the background.

For atonal noiseniks everywhere.