I want Han Bennink to do that daft thump with his foot, or shout “yeah” every time I brew up. I want to know where to buy trousers like Han Bennink’s trousers. I’m obsessed.
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The Ex Festival, Paard van Troje, Den Haag 28/2/14
Could the Paard confound Terrie’s recent comments made in the Dutch press about playing soulless new pop venues?
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Sweet Release of Death and Space Siren, SUB071 Leiden, 26/02/14
What really sucks you in is the bass line which, by contrast to all the guitar shards being chucked at you by Gwen and Corno, is as smooth as velvet. Madness.
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Kelley Stoltz, William Tyler and Beginners, Tivioli Spiegel Bar, Utrecht, 23/02/14
I will really miss the Spiegel bar. It’s a place that is chockfull of atmosphere and I will bet you all a euro now that the new venue in Utrecht won’t have anything as nice or as welcoming as this space.
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Incendiary have a long chat with Hauschka
You can find on every record on mine a kind of Buddhist blessing, where I say I have given people this music to use it to maybe reach happiness, to use it in the way they want to use it.
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Go!Zilla, Droppings and Sugar Coated Mindbombs, SUB071, Leiden, 11/02/14
As to the rest, well you can SMELL the perfume in the conditioner they used. These cats are SCRUBBED, me hearties. What to do about that? Well they can watch the fucking Sugar Coated Mindbombs, that’s what.
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Incendiary talk to The Sweet Release of Death
There’s a reason we’re not called The Blissful Joy of Living. Maybe it’s not as blunt now that the songs are changing and there’s a little more room to breathe.
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Naive Set – Reclining Nude
I’d wager this record (if the tooth whitened media-savvy robots and tablet botherers that constitute the Palace Guard at Bastille Hilversum give it the RIGHT AMOUNT OF EXPOSURE) could be the soundtrack of the summer in Holland.
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Sweet Release of Death – Bulb
I am reminded of the (surely) apocryphal story that Terry Thomas told about a pie manufacturer in the Midlands, who, on being asked about the secret of his factory’s productivity, replied: “oh I don’t do anything difficult old boy. I just lean out of the window and shout, “Faster you fuckers!”
Incendiary talk to I Am Oak
To me natural imagery can be very rich, it has a lot of symbolical value, it works well to draw parallels between natural phenomena and feelings or moods or human nature in general.