Logik Party – Oh Cult!

In amongst all the clever touches, there is a strident, but at times very straightforward rock record looking to grab your attention. And it seems you can dance if you want to…

In amongst all the clever touches, there is a strident, but at times very straightforward rock record looking to grab your attention. And it seems you can dance if you want to…


White Plague Records http://www.logikparty.com/ http://www.Nialler9.com


Now this is a cracking release – brim-full of energy and attitude. Logik Party are very reminiscent of those bands that sprung up around 1978 – The Pop Group, Pylon, The Soft Boys and Maximum Joy – acts that used grooves, “challenging” minor chord structures and a confrontational, “arty” stance. This band’s music has the same qualities of those acts I’ve named, it’s at once awkward and catchy, obtuse and very open, and has bottle to do annoying or daft things, such as the fade out-fade in on the groovy, abstract Dumb Glutton. The only current band that I can think of who create similarly grating collisions of chords, beats and textures are Scotland’s Super Adventure Club.

In amongst all the clever touches, there is a strident, but at times very straightforward rock record looking to grab your attention. And it seems you can dance if you want to… Opening track Anti Omerta has that Leppo and the Jooves-style dumb disco beat (there’s a lot of disco beats on Oh Cult!, if mainly of the stentorian sort) and Blonde on Blonde on Blonde nicks that wobbly sound from Beat the Clock and turns it into the most minimal of electronic mantras. Everything rattles on at a furious pace: the marvellous Cave Pain Things is another charge that is informed by a spiky guitar and manic drumming – the chord change at the end lifts it into a pop song of sorts: Guesse Flesche is a Postcard thrash, Josef K style.

Now and again the pace relents – Jar of Wasps and Drop City are amiable strolls – aided by moody bass and abrasive guitar lines but things inadvertently pick up towards the end. Low Certitude Humbler is a charge driven by squeaky organ lines, scratchy guitar and some wailing and the last track Negative Matching/Telescopic What is one hell of an ending, a seguing of possibly the best two tracks on the record. Definitely worth a listen.