The Membranes – R.O.O.T.S.

Hearing new stuff from the Membranes makes me realise just how much I’ve missed them. They always had a dayglo entertainer’s vibe married to an acute sense of what was going on around them, don’t be fooled by their (admittedly intoxicating) cartoon nature…

Hearing new stuff from the Membranes makes me realise just how much I’ve missed them. They always had a dayglo entertainer’s vibe married to an acute sense of what was going on around them, don’t be fooled by their (admittedly intoxicating) cartoon nature…


Louder Than War! Records

Watch the video here!


Ah the Membranes – noise, ebullience and sheer daft intensity in one shiny package. This is their first single in I don’t know how long and it’s a great big glossy pleasure listening to this – like scoffing whole bag of Haribo at one go and then having a pint and chips as afters. Hearing new stuff from the Membranes makes me realise just how much I’ve missed them. They always had a dayglo entertainer’s vibe married to an acute sense of what was going on around them, don’t be fooled by their (admittedly intoxicating) cartoon nature: Everything’s Brilliant has a great refrain, “Everything’s brilliant / Everyone’s frightened” which sums the zeitgeist up very nicely thank you very much. And Fuck My Old Boots is a short blast that still manages to slag off the Daily Mail in the minute’s life allotted to it… If You Enter The Arena Be Prepared to Deal with The Lions is the killer track for me, a- snarling sermon, a mid-paced rumble sermon that stomps about its territory like an angry drunk, looking to lash out at any audience it can find.

Now – to paraphrase another Lancashire entertainer, “if you’d take a fool’s advice…” you need to get this and give it a spin.