Hiva Oa – Future Nostalgia for Sale

Quiet, reserved, but possessing something intangible and precocious that I just can’t quite put my finger on, tracks like Urban and Ghosts steadily creep up on you.

Quiet, reserved, but possessing something intangible and precocious that I just can’t quite put my finger on, tracks like Urban and Ghosts steadily creep up on you.


(Mini50 Records)


Now I like this a lot. Truth be told, when I saw a line-up of cello, guitar and bass I thought I was in for about 20 minutes of merely acceptable, Arts and Crafts folk stuff that is not only ten a penny nowadays but also potentially very tedious. Instead I can report that Future Nostalgia for Sale is a brooding, slightly Gothic EP, and one with a district soul and personality.

Quiet, reserved, but possessing something intangible and precocious that I just can’t quite put my finger on, tracks like Urban and Ghosts steadily creep up on you. In some ways they are timid tracks, the voices have this tremulous whisper about them that is very appealing. Elsewhere, Badger veers between being a tap room lock in, (especially with the cello’s presence) and some form of Studio G / Ormaics soundscape.

This EP keeps you guessing as to what is coming next. Last track Morning is the most ambitious of all the pieces, not content with being eight minutes long, it also uses muffled sound effects – like voices in a fog, to create real tension against a somnolent guitar pattern and a brooding cello line. Everything explodes into noise by the end in a very satisfying manner too.

Well worth tracking down.