Román Ramón – Nombradía Pt1: En Desuso

At times it can miss and sort of sink onto an uber-intellectual silly soup (Justo, I’m thinking of you here), but when it’s right it’s… well, fantastic.

At times it can miss and sort of sink onto an uber-intellectual silly soup (Justo, I’m thinking of you here), but when it’s right it’s… well, fantastic.

Okay so this will take about 15 minutes of your time, and stick in there, as I can appreciate that minute long pieces consisting of silly sounding samples can grate. You should give it space though as at times it’s a very engaging listen. The opener Toribio is a winsome enough track (if weird) and the following two, Silvinio and En Desuso sound like the collision of a Moondog street recording and a series of recorded electrical shocks. This amalgam of daft noises is done in that gloriously irreverent manner that non-musicians can bring to things, the members of Román Ramón having a background in the plastic arts. At times it can miss and sort of sink onto an uber-intellectual silly soup (Justo, I’m thinking of you here), but when it’s right it’s… well, fantastic.

Special mention should be given to the slobbering mess of Conradio, the best (and coincidentally the longest) track on here, which isn’t that far away from the playful things Moebius and Plank were creating in the late 70s. And who can resist the Prokoviev sample set off against a welter of electronica blurts and flamenco beats in Modestino Pedro, or the pissed up opera samples in Leonidas?

Give it a whirl.