Morton Valence – Man on the Corner/Sailors

Morton Valence were recently billed as having "the greatest singing pervert since Serge Gainsborough" within their ranks. I am happy to report this is completely true.

Morton Valence were recently billed as having "the greatest singing pervert since Serge Gainsborough" within their ranks. I am happy to report this is completely true.


Morton Valence – Man on the Corner/Sailors


Morton Valence were recently billed as having "the greatest singing pervert since Serge Gainsborough" within their ranks. I am happy to report this is completely true. Thankfully, he is also able to write (along with a troupe of capable musicians) some of the most beautiful synth-pop tunes known to man without sacrificing any musical interest.  Man on the Corner starts life as a quiet, rather sublime little ditty, before crescendo-ing into a fuller, louder sublime little ditty. Sailors isn’t quite as sophisticated, but for what it lacks in subtlety it is made up for in lyrical genius "We are sailors, across the straits of Gibraltar/To the island of Iona" and the fact it makes you want to dance with a huge smile on your face. If there is any justice in the world, Morton Valence ought to be the next big pop sensation.



Words: Tristan Burke.