Wax, November

JM" E.P. (Utensil) is a Latin House masterpiece, oh yes it is.

JM" E.P. (Utensil) is a Latin House masterpiece, oh yes it is.



Right, here’s my choices for this month. Hope you buy these discs, (allowing their sales to rocket correspondingly), so I can then suck up to the label people for some free vinyl. Good plan, eh?


1) David Alarado; "Transfiguration" E.P. (NRK label). Cool Deep Tech is what you’ll get.

2) Benny Blanko "8ft. In The Air" L.P. (Playhouse records). Great House, cool breaks.

3) Les Umins "Star dela Nuit" (Icon label) is my Tech House record of the month, no doubt.

4) J.T Donaldson "It’s Simple" (Grab) is a House wonderland fairytale (getting soppy, sorry).