Modey Lemon & The Secret Machines, Paradiso 23/03/05

My friend did their makeup and hair for a pre-show photo/press shoot.  She said they were very nice guys. 

My friend did their makeup and hair for a pre-show photo/press shoot.  She said they were very nice guys. 

The last few days I’ve caught myself saying, “Sorry, can you speak up? What? Sorry, I’m 27 and apparently hard of hearing, thanks to the MODEY LEMON”. Yep, maybe the loudest show I’ve seen in Holland. Yeah, I think so. This attractive young American garage-art-rock trio hails from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and damn proud it.  Drummer Paul Quattrone, who now bares faint resemblance to the late great painter/teacher Bob Ross, marched onstage carrying the Pittsburgh city flag, which he mounted proudly next to his kit during the set. Pittsburgh, PA has a very similar city history to Detroit, Michigan. They were both cities that once were homes to numerous factories and industries that now have been mostly abandoned. So maybe soon people will start saying “Pittsburgh Rock City” after the alternative rock music scene lead by the Modey Lemon. Their name, the Modey Lemon, I was told, should be pronounced with a British accent and is not to be confused with moldy fruit in anyway.  It’s MODEY, MODEY LEMON. Musically, they are similar to such groups as The Stooges and Jon Spencer Blues Explosion. Lively, stylish, raw and liberating garage rock with out being too polished like a lot of the “garage rock” bands out today. They managed to push the “Rock Richter Scale” well into the red, but after the show, hanging out, three of the funniest, nicest and easy going guys you’ll meet.  Song highlights included ‘Tongues (Everybody’s Got One)’, in which Phil Boyd guitarist/keyboardist and lead singer pays homage to one of our favorite muscles and musically to its glam/metal roots. Their newest CD release is called Thunder & Lightning (2004) and is well worth the pick up. The Modey Lemon is a force to be reckoned with and next time them come to your neighbourhood, you’d better watch out, they might just eat your young. The Modey Lemon made a lasting impression on me and on Amsterdam, if not just for the lingering ringing in our ears.

The Secret Machines Modey Lemon was the opening act for a stoner rock band called The Secret Machines. As they were well in there eliminate in Amsterdam, playing to a crowd of spaced out head nodders. Needless to say, the show was not for me.  Melodic, dream inducing rock sounding like Pink Floyd, but somehow lacking character and soul. I did however really like their lights.  They played amongst a field (approximately 6 of them) of long blue colored TL/florescent lights that stood up like trees. AND even though they are now based in NYC, they come from TEXAS!  Texas, the US state that will now forever be known as the birth place of George W. Bush and other like minded people.  I feel sorry for Texas, though I’ve never been, I did hear that Austin, TX is a great town (home of the SXSW Music Conference).  I guess I should give them props for leaving Texas and going to NYC. My friend did their makeup and hair for a pre-show photo/press shoot.  She said they were very nice guys.  I listened to their music and found it very different than what I witnessed live.  I like what I listened to before the show much better.  In conclusion, I think this might be a classic case of the audience witnessing a variation of their set due to the fact that they were playing Amsterdam. Words and photos: Zoe E. Gottehrer