Metropolis Festival – Zuiderpark, Rotterdam – 3/07/2005

Booze, bands and a frisbee. What more do you need?

Booze, bands and a frisbee. What more do you need?


Incendiary. All conquering frisbee champions

Well, we survived it. How we survived I’m not entirely sure, because it was getting rather hazardous when somebody started handing round bottles of Drop Shot. Yeuch!


Still, we were professionals. We did the hard work for you. We drank the beer, we ate the food, we watched the bands (even interviewed a couple of them) and we were still standing at the end of the day and able to partake in a game of frisbee. Now how’s that for multi-tasking?


We had a great day and I know that those of you that were there had one too. As for the rest of you? Well just read through our features here to find out what you missed. Click the links to head over to the articles. Once you’re done, click back on your browser to return here.


Our adventures in Zuiderpark.

Richard reviews the Metropolis Festival

Damian reviews the Metropolis Festival



Incendiary interview Stars