B.C Camplight – Hide, Run Away

B.C Camplight’s release has a giant squirrel eating the head of a business man, whilst helicopters circle angrily overhead. I’m sold.

B.C Camplight’s release has a giant squirrel eating the head of a business man, whilst helicopters circle angrily overhead. I’m sold.

B.C Camplight – Hide Run Away


What a month for album covers. B.C Camplight’s release has a giant squirrel eating the head of a business man, whilst helicopters circle angrily overhead. I’m sold. Give it me.


The music is actually very pleasant, piano-led stuff, in the main redolent of Belle and Sebastian. The opener, Couldn’t You Tell brings forth a certain bashful charm and seems to be full of restrained keyboards and wind instruments. Blood and Peanut Butter is a killer synth-melody, not heard since the mid-eighties (somehow it brings Propoganda to mind); quite what its about I shudder to think.


There are plenty of slow tracks that are dripping with teenage sensibilities and chord progressions made famous by Mr Brian Wilson. Emily’s Dead To Me and Hide, Run Away are cases in point. I do like the low key charm that this record exudes. Especially on tracks like Parapaleejo, where a great refrain sits comfortably alongside a quirky, upbeat piano tinkling and warbly vocals.


Oranges In Winter is a classic sing along indie melody; it’s very redolent of Aztec Camera in it’s dreaminess and pace, I also like La, La, La for its rather languid melody and fey schoolboyish vocals. I do so love the warbled chorus… La, la la… oh there are mentions of creatures running free.  Presumably like the squirrel on the front cover. Richard Dawson (it can’t be a tribute to England’s forgotten spinner surely) is an upbeat number, engagingly girly, a synth-led bop at the local church with the vicar cutting some rug.


The last track Sleep with Your Lights On is predictably slow, but lovely and kooky nontheless. A gentle, heartwarming listen with a cup of herbal tea, methinks…


Yep, I liked it a lot. That cover art blood and gore is a bit misleading though.