Greater California – All The Colors

Greater California – All The Colors


Greater California’s third album, All The Colors, is a sun drenched, sugar coated gem of a record. Think of the Beach Boys without the lunacy or of Ben Folds without the humour and you’d pin your tail pretty close to this donkey’s arse. Throw in a bit of early REM for good measure and you’re nearly there. But forget the references, these guys are good enough to stand on their own. Take the epic, six and a half minute psychedelic workout that is It’s Great, which more than lives up to its title or the utterly captivating Charmer as prime examples. Fused with as much a love of indie rock as 60’s West Coast psychedelia, Greater California create an intoxicating brew, perfectly suited for life outdoors and blood red sunsets. So grab yourselves a cool box and fill it with beer.


Gather up some friends and head for the lake, or the beach, or the park, or wherever the hell you tend to go during the summer. Play this on the journey there and then enjoy your day. Then simply repeat as many times as the weather allows. 


Words: Damian Leslie