Disrupt – Foundation Bit

“It’s also got thee most autistic artwork I’ve seen in a long while, and I’m convinced its inspired by computer programmer nerds.”

Disrupt – Foundation Bithttp://www.konkurrent.nl/ www.myspace.com/werkdiscs

“It’s also got thee most autistic artwork I’ve seen in a long while, and I’m convinced its inspired by computer programmer nerds.”

Disrupt – Foundation Bithttp://www.konkurrent.nl/ www.myspace.com/werkdiscs

Now, I know nothing about this record or the act that created it, save that I love it. It’s also got thee most autistic artwork I’ve seen in a long while, and I’m convinced its inspired by computer programmer nerds. The cover has a Magma-like strangeness about it too, which can only be a good thing. Sonically it’s otherworldly dub, with the odd voice floating in and out of the spacey mix. The comedy announcement for a space flight on The Stars My Destination is a joy to listen to.

Tinny synths and Casio beats propel the entire thing along at about 5mph, or will do until the batteries run out. Now and again we get a jaunty, funny work out, such as Blast You to Bits. But not often. Jah Red Gold and Green sounds like some extra terrestrials playing Pac Man in somewhere like Norwich. The title track promises a bit of pace but soon slips into a slovenly, spaced-out groove that refuses to budge from your sofa.

This is a hell of a record, and I advise you to get it.

Words: Richard Foster