The Felice Brothers – Tonight at the Arizona

Loves are lost, drugs are bought and people die left right and centre. Great stuff.

Loves are lost, drugs are bought and people die left right and centre. Great stuff.



Music sounding too polished to you nowadays? Then check this out. Tonight At The Arizona is probably the dustiest record you’ll hear all year and it’s a joy from start to finish. Having said that, it’s not a very happy record. Far from it, in fact. Lyrically, every song fits squarely into that, "My life is shit so I may as well sing about it" kind of folk rock that we all know and love. Loves are lost, drugs are bought and people die left right and centre. Great stuff. Musically it’s more of the same, these guys live to the rule that "music ain’t good if it don’t make you cry." It’s classic stuff all round, in other words.


Being labeled as Folk Rock has become a kind of insult over the past few years. The Felice Brothers may just put an end to that. Tonight At The Arizona has a kind of home made vibe to it. It feels, not so much like it was recorded on the road, but more like it was recorded on train platforms and dusty crossroads, waiting for the next ride. This doesn’t sound like a professional band, but more like the best set of buskers you’ve ever walked past. Why not stop for a while and take a load off? You’ll enjoy it, trust me. At least, after listening to their lyrics, you’ll realize that your life isn’t that shit after all, and for that alone, you should be thankful.


Words : Damian Leslie