It’s not really from a planet near us.
It’s not really from a planet near us.
Strange and a little demented, but enervating music nonetheless. In fact it’s heartily recommended if you like things a little off-kilter.
Big Crime could very well be a straight, dour take on the For Mash Get Smash advert (you know, them laughing robots). Or a Studio G recording take, where the middle aged session men try to cover a Gang of Four track. It’s not really from a planet near us. Great Faces is a vocoder-led sermon, which mutates into a slightly po-faced skip. The lyrics mention jam jars, though I couldn’t make out in what context… This reminds me very much of Lansing Dreiden at times. Then we have Job Satisfaction, which begins like some awful prog-jazz fusion until speeding up into a jerky, gawky rhythm that brooks no peace with the melody it’s supposed to be propelling. It’s also woefully, gloriously underpowered. The last track No Forgiveness is an awful mess, reedy synths swoop and joust with a doleful vocal drone to almost no effect.
Brilliant. Recommended.