Jet Black Crayon – In the Interim

“My Fair Romans, possibly the best track on the LP, follows; with a stentorian male voice laying down the law, (quite what Gnosticism he emotes is beyond my meagre comprehension, anyway it sounds impressive). ”

“My Fair Romans, possibly the best track on the LP, follows; with a stentorian male voice laying down the law, (quite what Gnosticism he emotes is beyond my meagre comprehension, anyway it sounds impressive). “

Jet Black Crayon – In the Interim


Interesting stuff. This is definitely an LP for a reflective moment. Jet Black Crayon’s LP kicks off with Memory Lost, a Charlie Brown-style stumble around the neighbourhood parking lots. 8 Bad Years is initially much more assertive, hints of jungle contest for space with angry guitar runs and a muffled synth. Somewhere amidships we get “the sounds of the streets” (you know, muffled telephone voices on a call phone, cars rolling by in the background) before returning to the original template.


The all too short 20 hundred could be Cluster circa 1971 and Lost in the Fog is a return to the opening track’s reflective mood, aided by stumpy drum beats and downbeat guitar lines. And what’s this? At last, a voice! Well, a muffled one kicks off Monday (quite why this reminds me of a Lansing Dreiden number is anybody’s guess). If you don’t know Lansing Dreiden let us suffice by saying it sounds like a drunken bluebottle complaining about the waiter service, albeit accompanied with a tinny beat. 


Following this Brighter Days does exactly the sonic opposite of what its title suggests (it does get a bit perkier amidships with some Summner-esque guitar). My Fair Romans, possibly the best track on the LP, follows; with a stentorian male voice laying down the law, (quite what Gnosticism he emotes is beyond my meagre comprehension, anyway it sounds impressive). The last two tracks revert to being quiet and interesting, not really invading your space but keeping you aware of their maudlin intentions.


A nice LP this, plus you get an excellent free DVD with film music scored by the band. I like it.


Words: Richard Foster